My Trip to the Copper Canyon: By the Numbers


In late November, I travelled deep into the heart of the Copper Canyon— final destination, Urique, Mexico. The trip was part of Health Warrior’s Operation Farm & Run. In recent years, Urique and the Tarahumara have been plagued by drought, causing many modern challenges. When Health Warrior learned of these hardships, they decided to get creative and help. And, you can help tooIn collaboration with the Tarahumara, one farm has already been restored for chia cultivation and two more will be rehabilitated in 2017.

Photo of a donkey at Copper Canyon

Here are some highlights of the adventure [a small part in this incredible story], by the numbers:

Cow at Copper Canyon


4: days of adventure

36: hours in Urique

4: forms of transportation — 3 flights, 1 van and 1 train to make it to the Canyon

14+: new connections — brought together by a love of movement

View out of airplane window

3 - 5: bowls of the best guacamole consumed [thank you, Mama Tita]

50: number of miles to run in the Caballo Blanco trail race [2018 race schedule..?]

Train station at Copper Canyon

6: miles of running on Canyon trails

282: pages of Born to Run I [read for a second time on the way to the Mexico]

1: Harvest Festival celebrated in the rain

Crystal Seaver's running shoes at Copper Canyon

1: farm restored for chia cultivation

Chia cultivation

2: farms to be restored for the cultivation of chia in 2017

40,000 : amount of money to raise in support of this project

17, 397: amount of money pledged as of date of this post

24: Kickstarter campaign days left to go

1: new bar to hit the market - Mexican Chocolate Chia - profits from the sale of this bar will help rehabilitation initiatives

Copper Canyon Team
Photo Credit: Stefania Curto

Health Warrior is doing something pretty incredible in the Canyon. Check out the Kickstarter Campaign here and learn more about this sustainable initiative.

And, if you are up for some more light reading, check these articles out too:

The World's Best Ultrarunners Want to Harness the Power of Chia by A.C. Shilton, Outside Magazine

Born to Run: A Trip to the Hidden Tribe to Live, Run, & Eat Like a Tarahumara by Lottie, Running on Veggies 

Three Lessons I Learned from the Best Ultrarunners in the World by Yours Truly, Women's Running