“You have multiple possible futures; it’s my mission to help you see that each could be equally incredible.”
About Crystal Seaver
Hi! I’m Crystal. I am so happy you ended up here. Welcome to my world — in the world of the internet. The world where I am oversharing, putting myself out there and working out for about one hour on any given day.
I am a 30 something rookie blogger with a lust for healthy [life] adventure and I am sharing it all with you. It’s probably much more of an open book diary than a blog, but you can be the judge of that. I am an expert on one thing, my life, and, on plenty of days, I don’t even have that figured out. But, I share it with you, with hopes that it’s inspirational and relatable. As I find out what works for me, explore life with passion and wonder, and, write all the words, I hope that you can find what works for you too.
I am a fitness junkie. I run a lot. I spend a lot of time right here on my computer - working, writing, and connecting. I am a personal trainer by trade and community connector by passion. I love a good coffee shop vibe, beach day and mountain adventure. Combine all three and it’s like the best day ever. And, although I really love salad, it’s almost a sure thing that I will never turn down a chocolate chip cookie. I have a closet full of black yoga pants, I don’t leave home without lip gloss and I am all for getting a little dirty out on the trails [as long as I have a hot shower waiting].
My every day starts pre sunrise and is filled with dog walks, Jesse, bonus Mom things [mostly from afar], training and good company. We currently call Charlotte home sweet home [after my 32 years in New England], travel as much as possible and try to be grateful for an ever changing and flowing life.
This space is for you if you are up for sharing stories of fitness, wellness and real life. It houses all kinds of sweat sessions, blunt honesty [because if we met in the real world, my facial expressions tell it all anyways], good eats, travel and every day life adventures - in the Queen City, around the house and around the world.
This is a happy place, an extension of the Square World, a space where I hope we get to know each other and hold on tight for the wild ride.
Want to know some fun facts?
- I am a morning person. Sunrise is my favorite.
- The perfect day starts with cold brew and a cookie for breakfast.
- I might like dogs even more than I like people.
- The vacation wishlist includes Fiji, Banff, Moab, Bali and I need more money.
- I hate cooking, but Jesse makes some real good dinners. Here’s a favorite.
Want to work with Crystal? Learn More Here
What is the intention of this space?
The cliff notes version: This is a space for connection not competition. It’s inspirational, relatable and entirely possible because of all of you. Thank you for being here and following along on the life adventure.
Let’s just consider this an extension of the Square World. When I began posting glimpses of life in the Square, it was basically a fitness diary - a way to track workouts. And, then people, like you, started following along. The world grew, frienships formed, more than run snaps started to be shared and we started talking. Can you believe that? We stopped scrolling, and, double tapping and actually started to interact because we met on common ground. For awhile we would chat fitness, now we talk everything - that’s the inspirational and relatable part. I never really wanted a highlight reel, but, I did want to overshare real. Because so many of you get it. I hear you, I see you, I get all things real life too.
And, a bunch of you love to work up a good sweat. It kind of amazes me that you save the quick glimpses of the workouts and actually do them - I mean, that’s why they are there. A little sharing is caring philosophy, but, still, it’s humbling. However, the Square isn’t the best place to share the workout details, so I built this little labor of love to give you more accessibility. I’m also starting to run out of lines when I start the day with #realtalk - so, a blog is a bit more fitting for my wordy notes to self [and, anyone that wants to listen].
What does your workout routine look like?
I won’t say that every week looks exactly the same, but I have found a mix that works for me. It includes strength training, running, recovery and sometimes something wild - like booty shaking yoga. I write my own training plan, I throw in fun classes and community events, and, I definitely know what goes on paper is always subject to change.
Here’s the quick glimpse of a week [when training for ultra distances]:
m: maintenance [hastag maintenancemonday] - cycling and hip/core strength work
t: circuit training [treadmill based, functional exerises]
w: run
th: circuit training
f: rest
sa/su: back to back long runs [time on feet]
What do you do for a living?
I am a personal trainer. Today that includes an online coaching platform, collaboration with Relentless Runners, small group training [my favorite], one on one clients, big events and retreats and the online content you see here.
PS - I went to college to pursue a career in the legal field. I have a degree in Political Science and Criminal Justice. I’ll leave that story for another day, but it’s okay to change your mind.
What are your workout must haves?
I think I will write a blog post on this one, but in the meantime, some favorites — short shorts for hot runs [the spandex, only a few inches of fabric variety], good yoga pants for circuit training [the kind that are tight but not too tight and preferably high waisted], unlimited crop tops and sports bra [shirts are overrated], high socks for running, headbands [the thick ones - they stay in place].
How old are you? Where do you live? What did you eat yesterday?
I will have 33 birthday candles on the cake this March. I currently call Charlotte, North Carolina home. And, I have no idea why it is really interesting to learn about by food choices, but, yesterday I ate — smoothie for breakfast, skipped over lunch [oops, not the best option but, it happens], snacked on a bar, mango, rice cake with peanut butter, carrots and trail mix, and, had a salad with grilled chicken for dinner. I didn’t have a single coffee and I drank all the water.
What is your training philosophy?
Feel good first, look good second. I mean that. You need to do the things that make you feel the best - my training is performance based, not aesthetic. The by product of feeling good is how you look. Yes, I have defined muscles, and on most days, you can see my abs, but I can promise you that was never my first goal. I do not want to look “good” if I feel horrible. So, I’ll leave it at that.
What is your best bonus mom advice?
Sometimes I am not even sure if I am qualified to give advice here. I certainly didn’t know this would be a title I would have and it’s a world that comes without a guidebook. I couldn’t picture our family any other way at this point, but it’s a hard relationship - AMAZING - but, really freakin’ hard.
Balance and perspective are your sidekicks. You want to be there and hold back. You want to fight for more and respect that someone is sharing their kiddo with you. You want to be involved but, not too involved. Are you starting to get it…? It’s not very clear where the lines are — you have to figure it out.
But, don’t do it alone. Don’t ever forget to speak up about this relationship. You are trying, you are working at it and you have to earn love every single day. That’s a lot.
This relationship is special - you will get the hugs and I love yous and maybe even some recognition on Mother’s Day…eventually. So, on the days it gets really hard, remember that. The little things, they are BIG things in this relationship.
How did you create this space?
Outdoor Voices says it best, “doing things by doing things together.” It’s pretty amazing what can and will happen when you decide to ask for help, collaborate and link arms with the ones around you. You can’t do it all by yourself. And, my gosh, why would you even want to.
My 25 year old self would have argued this point with no end in sight, until a mentor told me that I was never going to make it anywhere unless I let my guard down and ask for help. Harsh, maybe? Exactly what I needed to hear? Absolutely.
Listen friends. I can do a lot of things. But, I can’t do it all. And, it’s not much fun to do “it” when I don’t get to share it with anyone anyways.
I didn’t create this website, I have a little bit more technology knowledge than my Grandma. So, let’s thank the amazing duo behind Focal55 - Margaret and Joe - for bringing my scattered thoughts to life. I don’t make a very good model, but with Courtney Elizabeth behind the camera, you might not believe me. And, without Jesse’s dedication to Instagram husbanding, there would probably be a lot less stuff here [okay, maybe close to nothing, because my perfectionist tendencies can definitely get in the way of final product].
And, then there is you. I was able to create this space because you have reached out, you have asked for more, you have followed along and you provide all of the support. So, big hug and thank you!
My point. I was able to create this space because in the last few years, I have learned to link arms, find a tribe, and, ask for help. The rest falls into place from there.